Monday, May 9, 2011

Super Antioxidant Formula | TripleClicks Deal-of-the-Day for May 8, 2011

Super Antioxidant Formula

Boost your energy levels, destroy free radicals, and promote a healthy lifestyle with the Super Antioxidant Formula:

* Contains all 10 recommended antioxidants.
* Aids your body in removing cancerous free radicals from itself.
* Provides protection for collagen and connective tissues.
* Speeds wound healing and protects against pollutants and toxins.
* Helps prevent cataract formation and protects against neurological disorders.

Ingredients: Beta Carotene, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Citrus Bioflavonoids, Superoxide Dismutase, Co Q-10, Copper Sulfate, Zinc Sulfate, Manganese Sulfate, Selenium.

Bottle contains 90 tablets.

Dosage: Take 1-3 tablets a day with meals.

Each tablet contains the following ingredients:

Ingredients. Amount RDA
Beta Carotene 4 mg 500%
Vitamin E 80 IU 250%
Vitamin C 200 mg 333%
Citrus Bioflavonoids 10 mg *
Superoxide Dismutase 10 mg *
Coenzyme Q 10 10 mcg *
Copper 8 mg 800%
Zinc 45 mg 300%
Manganese 8 mg *
Selenium Organic Form 20 mcg *

* No RDA established by the government.

List Price: $39.04

Today's Price: $7.97

You Save $31.07 (79.59%)

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